Beautiful Demise
They say we’re destroying the Earth,
But that’s a tale of lies.
We’re the ones at risk,
Human demise.
The Earth, the universe will always go on,
We’re the ones who’ll phase out with the dawn.
Looking forward to the day,
When Earth gives us the boot
Because we took her for granted,
Raided for loot.
Should we count all the ways
we’re destroying ourselves?
Common viruses getting stronger,
time only tells.
Penicillin failure, antibiotic abuse,
It’s like we never learn,
What’s the excuse?
While some remain incredulous,
It becomes more difficult to trust
That we’ll do the right thing
But even still will that bring
Peace of mind
Because either way,
We’ll go some time.
Whether the death of our sun
Or a meteor strike
We won’t be here forever
But like,
That’s okay because this universe is beautiful
We’re here to enjoy it, and in that way I’ll be dutiful.
Everything has its process
Things come and they go,
So let’s try to keep Earth comfortable
Until the end of the show.
Who knows what’s out there,
what’s now, or what’s next
Just look up to the sky
And try your best.